The Salem Association Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) is made up of the members of the Salem Association Baptist Churches’ mission groups that are headed by the state WMU. Groups include Women on Missions, Adults on Missions, Acteens, Challengers, Youth on Missions (YOM), Children in Action (CAs), Girls in Action (GAs), Royal Ambassadors (RAs) and Mission Friends. New starts can receive 50% off their first year’s material through KY WMU.

The association elects officers for the following: Director; Assistant Director & Mission Actions; Secretary& Communications; Treasurer; Music Coordinator, Song Leaders & Pianists; Scholarship Committee; and Devotions Coordinator for a two year term. All meetings are open to the general public. Our mission is The Great Commission. Our role is to support and encourage Salem Association Churches in their mission endeavors and to provide mission training. Quarterly meetings include guest speakers sharing their adventures and trials. It is our heart’s desire to share the love of Jesus and to work together in loving unity to grow missions work in the Salem Association, here and aboard. Childcare is provided.

Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of January, April, July and October. April and October are night meetings starting at 7:00 p.m. followed by fellowship with coffee and snacks. Day meetings are January and July at 10:00 a.m. followed by a covered dish meal. Meetings will be canceled if Meade County Schools are canceled due to inclement weather.

April 2020 Newsletter
December 2018 Newsletter

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